Saturday, 31 October 2009

A two day travel


When tomorrow comes
I will go on my way to you my love

When tomorrow is
I'll be on my way to you my love

When tomorrow has gone
I'll arrive and be near to you my love

Hein S.

No poem today

Not today
no way
no play
no say

Tricked me you did (Yoda)

Hein S.

Friday, 30 October 2009

Free to travel (again ;-) )


You are right !
And so wrong !

In your observations-

When I received her message I was confused/surprised
Not blown away in the least.
Yes I do have very strong feelings for her.
But I know things that unlikely will be overcome.
Moral issues that clash with my core.
There is no more attachment or obligation.

I am truly free !

My bitterness has its proper place.
It is linked to a person.
Who is no more.
I am not bitter with life nor with you.
I have no hang-ups or resentments that bug me.

I am truly free !

I can be what you envisage.
I do have those capacities
I can be (your) master.
But refuse to have slaves.
I go for free choice.

I am truly free !

I do not expect to build a house in a day.
Or create a home in two.

I want you to trust me.
I want you to build with me.

I want to start a journey.
With the best company I can imagine.


And I would be,

Hein S.

To Caroline for contributing to my discussion on LinkedIn


If anyone ever
YOU are a part of the whole

A big part I might add
An important part I know

A beautiful part I have seen
A creative part I experienced

An asset I am convinced
A mind I admire


Words fail me.
It is so much more.

Let your light shine
We will focus it in a beacon

Publication guaranteed
Let her rip!

Hein S.

Wednesday, 28 October 2009

On Pots

Just for Chris ;-))

Turn them out

Churn them out

High fired

Low fired

They come in all shapes

But some receive a special love

So valuable

So carefully stored

Locked away and safe

Guarded with your life

Forgotten to be seen

Handled with care and attention

Enjoyed with sight and touch

Loved by having there


do not go potty.

Hein S.

Lost souls

When they arrive here,
They have found their place?

When souls have found their place,
Are they then lost?

Can any souls ever
Be truly lost?

All souls welcome
Our door is open!

Hein S.

Tuesday, 27 October 2009

No Playback

I feel the flow of energy generating from these pages.

We are taking of

We are flying

We dance

We rock


Join in

Feel free




Hein S.

Sweet fancy

Is flight a sweet fancy
whether from to flee
or from to fly

Is flight a fleeting fancy
Whether from to flee
Or from to fly

Is flight a floating fancy
whether from to flee
or from to fly

Is flight a sorrow fancy
whether from to flee
or from to fly

I rather think my flight a sweet fancy
fleetingly floating and fleeing the sorrow.

Some rest, if only for a week
To escape and regroup

And reach decisions
Where none are easy

Sun filled land
with unseen horizons

inspire me
and tell me

How confused can a poem be?
What is my sweet fancy?

Hein S.






hidden places

beyond comprehension

Hein S.

Monday, 26 October 2009

Joking aside :

Stars will tell,

fire in the sky,

wanderings end,

let's get drunk on life

Hein S.

Lease of life

In the blackness of the universe
The grim reaper and I do battle
I wield my double fiery sword
Black scythe and it thus rattle

Fleetingly he is often seen
More times than once a year
And in my shadow's lonely wake
Calls many loved one near

In the blackness of the universe
The grim reaper and I do battle
I wield my double fiery sword
Black scythe and it thus rattle

I try and keep him well at bay
With all wit I can muster
He manages to take with ease
Those near me with a fluster

In the blackness of the universe
The grim reaper and I do battle
I wield my double fiery sword
Black scythe and it thus rattle

For it is there the black one hunts
Recruiting from my heart
He steals what I so care about
Far cleverer than I'm smart.

In the blackness of the universe
The grim reaper and I do battle
I wield my double fiery sword
Black scythe and it thus rattle

Thus fighting darkness with my light
The shadow creeping nearer
I push the cared for far away
The more so with the dearer

In the blackness of the universe
The grim reaper and I do battle
I wield my double fiery sword
Black scythe and it thus rattle

With hope as shield I hold my own
His darkness still the weaker
The power that he fields
That of occasions seeker

In the blackness of the universe
The grim reaper and I do battle
I wield my double fiery sword
Black scythe and it thus rattle

My trusted blade is holding true
But when it no longer fires
I too will have to let go of life
It is when my lease expires

In the blackness of the universe
The grim reaper and I do battle
I wield my double fiery sword
Black scythe and it thus rattle

Hein S.


If only you did understand how much, I do !

At this moment in time

And for reasons obvious to me

And you are !

Most valuable

The spice of life

And I bow

To you

Most humbly

Yours !

Hein S.

Sunday, 25 October 2009


Leaders lead and are bound by their commands.

Who is master who is slave?

Is not the actor bound by the playwright's text?

Where does the direction come from?

Carefull with your subtle submission

Who knows where you will lead

Hein S.


Starry night
Fires all raging
Lights so faint
Blues and grays
Pictures seen by all
Darkness in your soul
Little hope left inside
Friend’s love
Set free

Hein S.

Saturday, 24 October 2009

New horizons

As if I could imagine
And create a future
And bluff it into existence
As good as real

My friends would have
Me linked anew
Me save and locked
My future secure

No more creation
Negate my joy
Negate my exuberance
No free will

To stand but still
Try and hold me
Try and bind me
To new horizons!

Hein S.

Friday, 23 October 2009


All white grey
All black invisible

All eyes closed
All bodies rest

All zzzzzzzzz
All mmmmmm


maybe not

All night long ;-))

Hein S.

The end

Oh yes at travel's end

All will be revealed

And no more be strange

The path of growth,

The milky way

And journey to byond

The path of death

Old star supernova

Scorches all in range

One option

And none between

Makes me of travel fond

Hein S.

Thursday, 22 October 2009

Sweet soul

And the atheist said: God help me .....................

I want to pay no more !

This private hell has burned me enough

I want to be free of this torment

I will close my soul

And love no more

It is of no use

I have no more defences

Therefore let it burn

And enjoy te long agony

Until my meat be tender

And my soul is sweet

Hein S. Mefistofele