Monday, 26 October 2009

Lease of life

In the blackness of the universe
The grim reaper and I do battle
I wield my double fiery sword
Black scythe and it thus rattle

Fleetingly he is often seen
More times than once a year
And in my shadow's lonely wake
Calls many loved one near

In the blackness of the universe
The grim reaper and I do battle
I wield my double fiery sword
Black scythe and it thus rattle

I try and keep him well at bay
With all wit I can muster
He manages to take with ease
Those near me with a fluster

In the blackness of the universe
The grim reaper and I do battle
I wield my double fiery sword
Black scythe and it thus rattle

For it is there the black one hunts
Recruiting from my heart
He steals what I so care about
Far cleverer than I'm smart.

In the blackness of the universe
The grim reaper and I do battle
I wield my double fiery sword
Black scythe and it thus rattle

Thus fighting darkness with my light
The shadow creeping nearer
I push the cared for far away
The more so with the dearer

In the blackness of the universe
The grim reaper and I do battle
I wield my double fiery sword
Black scythe and it thus rattle

With hope as shield I hold my own
His darkness still the weaker
The power that he fields
That of occasions seeker

In the blackness of the universe
The grim reaper and I do battle
I wield my double fiery sword
Black scythe and it thus rattle

My trusted blade is holding true
But when it no longer fires
I too will have to let go of life
It is when my lease expires

In the blackness of the universe
The grim reaper and I do battle
I wield my double fiery sword
Black scythe and it thus rattle

Hein S.

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