Monday, 28 December 2009

The eyes


Those mirrors of the soul
Have touched me again
Wiped out all my objections
Confirmed my true feelings
That had been safely stored
In yonder deep cave
Of memories
Past their best by date
Revived by the love
Reflected in those deep pools
Of your true emotions
And mine
Affirmation of our ever enduring
Affliction and subduction
To the laws of attraction
Therefore as long as it takes
I’ll wait
For your loving hand
When you will return
To stay
As I am yours
In mind and body and soul
And obey what we mirror
In each others
Sounds, smell and taste
And feel
The comfort and trust
As radiating
From the innermost
And seen in
The eyes

Hein S.

Saturday, 26 December 2009

All's well that .......?



My kid come down with Pfeiffer
Rough and sore throat
Unbearable tummy ache
Another hospital visit
On Boxing day
With inconclusive results

My broken heart
put in a blender
Of rollercoaster emotions
Will it produce
A life juice
Or will it be my utter destruction

Another good friend suddenly dead
After reacting well
On chemotherapy for his
Brain tumor
Funeral on Tuesday
Can I handle more grief

Do I have any choice
But to live through
These dark days
At the end of this disaster year
With hope and best wishes for a better!

Hein S.

Saturday, 5 December 2009

Answer to Prejudice & Gossip










Hein S.

Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Balance ?

A balanced life is about

taking this rocking world in your stride.

Sometimes you stumble.

Strive for what is rightfully yours.

Balance !

Hein S.

Monday, 30 November 2009

Ah to Tweet or to re-Tweet, here the answer !

I tweet :-))

I lead and dance among the stars
Where dust merges with thoughts
Into clouds of perception
And realize the poets dreams.

Hein S.  

Sunday, 29 November 2009

Atheists paradigm


And all it took
Was belief the lord
And lies in word

Hein S.

Thursday, 26 November 2009

To an inspiring friend



Feel the power
That love engenders
When fed by
The generous soul

Hein S.

Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Among the stars in Dutch and English


Ik woon oneindig ver
Tussen de sterren
Waar mijn hart zingt
Mijn ziel zweeft
En inspiratie absorbeert
Voor liefdes gedichten
Aan mijn aanbeden
Anker op aarde

Hein S.

Place of dwelling

I dwell endless far
Among the stars
Where my heart sings
And my soul floats
Absorbing inspiration
For love poems
To my adored
Anchor on earth

Hein S.

Cyclops heart


I of my eye

Take your eye
Of the I
Trade the I
For an I
Get an I
For an I
Multiply the I
With the I

Get one I

You just calculated
the mythical beast
that rules the heart

Hein S.

Monday, 23 November 2009

When the echo of love still fills the heart

Still you shine

Touching your skin
Feeling silk under hand
Tingling of the senses

Kissing your lips
Rushing blood through veins
The love burning heart

Looking in your eyes
Sinking in fathomless pools
The abyss of the ocean

Shining in your light
From the deepest crevasse
The sparkling luminous soul

Hein S.

Saturday, 21 November 2009

Another poem inspired by the master ;-))

To Rumi

Through the opened gates
And broken dikes
My love for you is flowing

Connecting to all beyond
And concealed love
In turbulent outward going

Filling purpose and direction
And prison bonds released
It’s life itself you’re showing

Hein S.

Monday, 16 November 2009

Beyond the thorns

At the end of summer
The roses still flower

After the bloom is gone
She will bear fruit

Hein S.

Inspired by the master :


In my Hallucination
I saw my Beloved's flower garden

In my vertigo
In my dizziness
In my drunken haze

Whirling and dancing like a spinning wheel

I saw myself as the source of existence
I was there in the beginning and
I was the spirit of love

Now I am sober
There is only the hangover

And the memory of love
And only the sorrow

I yearn for happiness
I ask for help
I want mercy

And my love says
Look at me
And hear me because

I am here just for that
I am your moon and your moonlight too
I am your flower garden and your water too

I have come all this way eager for you without shoes or shawl
I want to laugh to kill all your worries

To love you
To nourish you

Oh Sweet Bitterness!

I will soothe you and heal you
I will bring you roses
I too have been covered with thorns


Alone in TOFFF (the Dutch LinkedIn IEDP internet Pub)


Eenzame gedachten

Eenzaam en alleen
zit hij in een donker hoekje
met een bubbeltje roze
in de grijze schaduwen

Diep in gedachten
aan linken
maar dan in
zijn lief in de spotlights

Hein S.

Sunday, 15 November 2009

Human Design says ;-))

Ramblings of the stars

With Chiron at center and six
Enveloped by the fifties

I Ching predicts good fortune

Personality returned in the mirror
Design rerouted from Styx

Hein S

Friday, 13 November 2009


Ceramics of the essence
True value it contains

Poems forged with words
Of proverb, rhyme and song

Sparks that follow the metal
In quarks and quantum leaps

Stuff that dreams are made of
My mind and heart and soul

Hein S.

Thursday, 12 November 2009

Sleepy thoughts in TOFFF, the Dutch LinkedIn virtual bar (and so much more!)


Het focus punt
van zijn gedachten
uit het donker
naar het licht

zit hij
te smachten
naar het lieve wicht

is zijn stemming
het rijmt
maar is het dicht?

De fles
in geen geval
de bodem
komt in zicht

Zo borrelen
zijn gedachten
tot voor slaap
hij zwicht

Hein S.

Bilingual on love ;-))

De Liefde

Ik voel verliefdheid met diepte.

Ik voel liefde met fundament.

Ik mis je lichaam met passie.

Ik mis je geest met vuur.

Hein S.


I feel being in love with depth

I feel true love strongly rooted

I miss your body with passion

I miss your spirit with fire

Hein S.

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Joy from the deep

Out of the depths of history
Through the gates of memory
A smile appears
For every instant
Love touched the soul

Hein S.

The way of the universe

On mercury’s sweet revenge
Te universe shifting
Remember I told you
Take heed take heed

Set the Hero ablaze
Te universe burning
Remember I told you
Take heed take heed

With the movement of stars
The universe changed
Remember I told you
Take heed take heed

Nails cutting through skin
Te universe wounding
Remember I told you
Take heed take heed

Words knifing his soul
Te universe maiming
Remember I told you
Take heed take heed

Winged messenger reverses
Te universe resetting
Remember I told you
Take heed take heed

And friendship arises
Te universe shining
Remember I told you
Take heed take heed

As phoenix from ashes
Te universe spawning
Remember I told you
Take heed take heed

This token of new
Te universe reviving
Remember I told you
Take heed take heed

Doors closed or ajar
The universe revealing
Remember I told you
Take heed take heed

Doors still with function
The universe opportunity
Remember I told you
Take heed take heed

For what is not broken
The universe resilient
Remember I told you
Take heed take heed

Does not need mending
Te universe healing
Remember I told you
Take heed take heed

Still holds his promise
Te universe benevolent
Remember I told you
Take heed take heed

To trail the unending
Te universe eternal
Remember I told you
Take heed take heed

Oracle’s happy ending
Te universe pacified
Remember I told you
Take heed take heed


Monday, 9 November 2009

For a friend :


The fire of my muse

Drops from the sublime

It flames through my soul

And spawns words of rhyme

Hein S.

Sunday, 8 November 2009


If all the kings horses
And all the kings men
Could not keep me
Away from you then

If heroes of old
Could not thus withstand
The forces of nature
When gods forced their hands

So how can they now?
That I hold the charms
And Mercury forces
My return to your arms

Hein S.

Friday, 6 November 2009

The one

Of destiny's unending path
Where legends live and end

Of Re Horachte flying from dawn
And whatever lies beyond

Of all known histories
And epic odysseys

Of alchemistic wisdom stones
And magic flutes

Of white rabbits
And new born matrices

Of each new eras that breed
And new history in its wake

Of all stories just remade
And the essence of destiny within

Of living through
And tests of brimstone and fire

Of what it takes
And fulfillment at its end

Of one emerging from the crowd
And discovering the torch

Of she who lights his path
And gives him his magic sword

Of conquering all evil
And releasing all

Of all ends that will be told
And the one that shall be king

Hein S.

Thursday, 5 November 2009


Of mind, heart and arms

The opening of my mind
When I gather specks of stardust
The opening of my heart
When I dance into existence my heaven
The opening of my arms
When I invite to waltz among the planets

The welcoming of your arms
When you expand life to hold us both
The welcoming of your heart
When you light my trail
The welcoming of your mind
When you point me where to lead you

The joining of our minds
When we generate and spill sparks of wisdom
The joining of our hearts
When we overflow and never empty
The joining of our arms
When we dance eternity's celestial celebration

And thus a new cycle starts
The circle has no end

Hein S.

Untranslatable Dutch poem of patience ;-))


Ooit ga ik het doen
Ik wacht op het goede moment
Ik heb zoveel(zo veel) geduld
Van zo velen

Ooit ga ik het maken
Ik wacht tot het werkt
Ik heb zoveel(zo veel) geduld
Met zo velen

Ooit kom ik weer
Ik wacht op het moment
Ik heb zoveel(zo veel) geduld
Met te velen

Ooit word ik verliefd
Ik wacht op antwoord
Ik heb zoveel(zo veel) geduld
Met die ik, kan velen

NU is het op
Ik ben al begonnen
Ik heb geen geduld
Met heel velen

Alleen die enkele
Waar ik op wacht
Daarvoor heb ik geduld
Die kan me wat schelen.

Hein S.

This is to mark the end of the first cycle of poems

The poetry in this cycle was influecnced by my emotions following a very rough year with several deaths among close family and friends.
It was also inspired by new love of life and some very special women.
And last but not least by something called "Human Design" which expanded my view.

The whole cycle

When the journey started
All was strange
And beyond comprehension
Fear and doubt ruled my heart
The nights were grey and black
And then the stars did speak
The mysteries revealed
I was set free when low on hope
By submission I was given a chance to lead
And together we went in search of new horizons
No rest no respite nowhere to flee
no way no play no say
I saw the spice of life
Patience was key for the one I care for
To be free, contribute, create
The souls found their place
The door was open
But to be handled with care and attention
Words failed me, it was so much more.
With the best company I can imagine
I had arrived and felt at home
The soul at rest
Love passion and fire
I hope, want and look
Invited to expand the universe
Sensing the art love
Columns and fun
The razor and the straw
A most treasured pearl came up from the deep
We shared the raging fire
Love in the spotlights
Surrendered to sleep
Reflections of the heart
Quarks and sparks
Completely empty and so fulfilled

And then this cycle was finished
And the circle became whole

Hein S.

For the LinkedIn IEDP columnists in admiration

After publicating a series of columns with the theme "sex"


I am completely empty today and so fulfilled
I felt the depth of your emotions
Sensed the expanse trough your skills
Blinding lights of celestial fire
The universe collapsed into a black hole
Nothing left but it is all there

Hein S.

Celestial fire

Sparks flying.
Quarks up Quarks down
Spinning in infinity!
Quantum mechanics in action.

Suddenly life is

Hein S.

Radiant one


Therefore dear
only pure hearts
can shine
and reflect

Hein S.

With love ..........

Burn baby ..... BURN

We will connect soon.
We will find a time and place.

We will add the fuel
We will have a raging fire

We will burn in heat
We will melt together

We will fuse at core
We will succumb to ecstasy

We will simmer down
We will bask in the light of love

We will rest and recuperate
We will start again

Hein S.

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Haiku cycle in Dutch

Voor die ik lief heb

Liefdescirkel gevangen
In vorm van haiku

Lente emotie
Is ruw ongepolijste
Toekomst essentie

Zomer verlangen
Is rijp en vol belofte
Licht en zo krachtig

Herfst belevingen
Zijn gevangen en oogstklaar
Voldragen met kleur

Winter beloften
Zijn sneeuw en rijp vorst
Slingerend met glans

Voorjaar herboren
Zijn ervaringen verwerkt
Pril groen op oud hout

Hein S.

Tuesday, 3 November 2009

The Straw:

Please be gentle and patient with me.
I am open.
Have dropped all defenses for you.
You come in very strong.
Sometimes over-modulated.
Distortion follows.
And pain.

Yes you can break the camel's back.
It is a very tough and strong creature.
But it too has its limits.
You are on the razors edge dear.

But always be true to your inner self.
Enjoy this fabulous life.


You know I do.

Hein S.


Guide me and I will give you the world

Guide me and I will give you new worlds

Guide me and I will give you the universe

Guide me and I will expand the universe itself

Hein S.

Monday, 2 November 2009


I hope to enrapture you
I hope to bind you
I hope to heat you
I hope to blind you
I hope to enthrall you
I hope to mind you
I hope to fill you


I want to find you
I want to see you
I want to feel you
I want to touch you
I want to hear you
I want to taste you
I want to hold you


I look forward
I look ahead
I look at the horizon
I look in the distance
I look to the future
I look out there
I look expecting


Hein S.

At home

At home here
At home there
At home anywhere

At home is in your presence
At home is where I find peace
At home is where my soul rests !

Hein S.

Sunday, 1 November 2009

The moth, the flame, the phoenix, the one

When it circles near it draws its energy
When it gets to close it gets singed
When it touches the flame it is burnt
When it surrenders to the core it is enveloped

It resurrects with the phoenix
It rules the world with his name
It lives to be queen of the 9 fold
It becomes singularity with the one.

Hein S.

Parash Utist

What's in a name
New industrial game?

It is after the hollow
That shootists follow

It is at your phare
That paras are

Hein S.

For Haloween ;-))


Beware sorceress
Of the double edged sword
For it hurts the one
That wields its
Fiery blade
In the blackness
Of the universe

Hein S.

Saturday, 31 October 2009

A two day travel


When tomorrow comes
I will go on my way to you my love

When tomorrow is
I'll be on my way to you my love

When tomorrow has gone
I'll arrive and be near to you my love

Hein S.

No poem today

Not today
no way
no play
no say

Tricked me you did (Yoda)

Hein S.

Friday, 30 October 2009

Free to travel (again ;-) )


You are right !
And so wrong !

In your observations-

When I received her message I was confused/surprised
Not blown away in the least.
Yes I do have very strong feelings for her.
But I know things that unlikely will be overcome.
Moral issues that clash with my core.
There is no more attachment or obligation.

I am truly free !

My bitterness has its proper place.
It is linked to a person.
Who is no more.
I am not bitter with life nor with you.
I have no hang-ups or resentments that bug me.

I am truly free !

I can be what you envisage.
I do have those capacities
I can be (your) master.
But refuse to have slaves.
I go for free choice.

I am truly free !

I do not expect to build a house in a day.
Or create a home in two.

I want you to trust me.
I want you to build with me.

I want to start a journey.
With the best company I can imagine.


And I would be,

Hein S.

To Caroline for contributing to my discussion on LinkedIn


If anyone ever
YOU are a part of the whole

A big part I might add
An important part I know

A beautiful part I have seen
A creative part I experienced

An asset I am convinced
A mind I admire


Words fail me.
It is so much more.

Let your light shine
We will focus it in a beacon

Publication guaranteed
Let her rip!

Hein S.

Wednesday, 28 October 2009

On Pots

Just for Chris ;-))

Turn them out

Churn them out

High fired

Low fired

They come in all shapes

But some receive a special love

So valuable

So carefully stored

Locked away and safe

Guarded with your life

Forgotten to be seen

Handled with care and attention

Enjoyed with sight and touch

Loved by having there


do not go potty.

Hein S.

Lost souls

When they arrive here,
They have found their place?

When souls have found their place,
Are they then lost?

Can any souls ever
Be truly lost?

All souls welcome
Our door is open!

Hein S.

Tuesday, 27 October 2009

No Playback

I feel the flow of energy generating from these pages.

We are taking of

We are flying

We dance

We rock


Join in

Feel free




Hein S.

Sweet fancy

Is flight a sweet fancy
whether from to flee
or from to fly

Is flight a fleeting fancy
Whether from to flee
Or from to fly

Is flight a floating fancy
whether from to flee
or from to fly

Is flight a sorrow fancy
whether from to flee
or from to fly

I rather think my flight a sweet fancy
fleetingly floating and fleeing the sorrow.

Some rest, if only for a week
To escape and regroup

And reach decisions
Where none are easy

Sun filled land
with unseen horizons

inspire me
and tell me

How confused can a poem be?
What is my sweet fancy?

Hein S.






hidden places

beyond comprehension

Hein S.

Monday, 26 October 2009

Joking aside :

Stars will tell,

fire in the sky,

wanderings end,

let's get drunk on life

Hein S.

Lease of life

In the blackness of the universe
The grim reaper and I do battle
I wield my double fiery sword
Black scythe and it thus rattle

Fleetingly he is often seen
More times than once a year
And in my shadow's lonely wake
Calls many loved one near

In the blackness of the universe
The grim reaper and I do battle
I wield my double fiery sword
Black scythe and it thus rattle

I try and keep him well at bay
With all wit I can muster
He manages to take with ease
Those near me with a fluster

In the blackness of the universe
The grim reaper and I do battle
I wield my double fiery sword
Black scythe and it thus rattle

For it is there the black one hunts
Recruiting from my heart
He steals what I so care about
Far cleverer than I'm smart.

In the blackness of the universe
The grim reaper and I do battle
I wield my double fiery sword
Black scythe and it thus rattle

Thus fighting darkness with my light
The shadow creeping nearer
I push the cared for far away
The more so with the dearer

In the blackness of the universe
The grim reaper and I do battle
I wield my double fiery sword
Black scythe and it thus rattle

With hope as shield I hold my own
His darkness still the weaker
The power that he fields
That of occasions seeker

In the blackness of the universe
The grim reaper and I do battle
I wield my double fiery sword
Black scythe and it thus rattle

My trusted blade is holding true
But when it no longer fires
I too will have to let go of life
It is when my lease expires

In the blackness of the universe
The grim reaper and I do battle
I wield my double fiery sword
Black scythe and it thus rattle

Hein S.


If only you did understand how much, I do !

At this moment in time

And for reasons obvious to me

And you are !

Most valuable

The spice of life

And I bow

To you

Most humbly

Yours !

Hein S.

Sunday, 25 October 2009


Leaders lead and are bound by their commands.

Who is master who is slave?

Is not the actor bound by the playwright's text?

Where does the direction come from?

Carefull with your subtle submission

Who knows where you will lead

Hein S.


Starry night
Fires all raging
Lights so faint
Blues and grays
Pictures seen by all
Darkness in your soul
Little hope left inside
Friend’s love
Set free

Hein S.

Saturday, 24 October 2009

New horizons

As if I could imagine
And create a future
And bluff it into existence
As good as real

My friends would have
Me linked anew
Me save and locked
My future secure

No more creation
Negate my joy
Negate my exuberance
No free will

To stand but still
Try and hold me
Try and bind me
To new horizons!

Hein S.

Friday, 23 October 2009


All white grey
All black invisible

All eyes closed
All bodies rest

All zzzzzzzzz
All mmmmmm


maybe not

All night long ;-))

Hein S.

The end

Oh yes at travel's end

All will be revealed

And no more be strange

The path of growth,

The milky way

And journey to byond

The path of death

Old star supernova

Scorches all in range

One option

And none between

Makes me of travel fond

Hein S.

Thursday, 22 October 2009

Sweet soul

And the atheist said: God help me .....................

I want to pay no more !

This private hell has burned me enough

I want to be free of this torment

I will close my soul

And love no more

It is of no use

I have no more defences

Therefore let it burn

And enjoy te long agony

Until my meat be tender

And my soul is sweet

Hein S. Mefistofele